Monday 2 January 2023

Tips For Planting A Buffalo Grass

Buffalo grass is a low-maintenance grass requiring less input than other grass types. It has a beautiful deep green colour that enhances the appearance of your lawn. 

Matilda Soft Leaf Buffalo Turf has a denser texture than other traditional buffalos. It provides a more manicured touch and offers an exceptional shade tolerance factor. This type of grass is salt-tolerant, fungus resistant and easy to repair. You can use the Buffalo grass both in homes and commercial spaces. It has 70-80% of shade tolerance.

The blog highlights the crucial tips for planting Buffalo Grass. Let’s look into them one by one. 

 Provides Sunshine

Buffalo grass regularly requires 6 hours of direct sunlight and drained soil to grow best. The grass will not grow in low-lying areas with timely standing water or shade areas. The overall appearance gets dull if you don’t provide enough shade.

Weed Control before planting

You need to ensure to keep your seeding lawn weed free. To control weeds, there must be many applications of Round-Up in the springtime before planting. When the soil is tilled, new weed seeds will grow that must be removed before spreading the seed.

Correct seed selection

It’s important to choose proper seeds for growing grass. The seeds, such as Cody, Bowie, and Bison in the months of June or July can give you fertile grass. 

Proper establishment

Buffalo grass requires soil temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit to grow. Spread half seeds in one direction and the remaining half at right angles to the first half. Then, rake the lawn and pack it for good seed-to-soil contact.

Water the entire lawn deeply to saturate the soil completely. 

Weed Control after planting

Maintaining weed control after planting is also crucial, just like before planting.  

Follow the above-mentioned tips for planting a Buffalo Grass. Contact Award Turf Supplies for couch grass and laying turf.